
Here's How to Remove Humidity from Your Home

July 17, 2019


Yuck — there’s nothing worse than an overly humid home! And,
of course, just like the weather, there’s no way to accurately predict
when your living space will become stuffy and just downright uncomfortable.
Luckily, there are quite a few tips any homeowner can use not only to
combat that “muggy” air but to also help keep it out of their
sight. Without further ado, here’s what you can do:

Cut Back on Your Shower Time

When you take a shower, on average, how long would you say it lasts? For
some homeowners, that could easily surpass 10 minutes — and rightfully
so, because who wants to leave the comfort of a shower? That being said,
you might want to cut back on how long it takes to shower because all
of that hot water is adding to the humidity in your home.

To cut back, think about setting a timer on your smartphone (or a kitchen
timer works, too) and set it to five minutes, maximum. Once the timer
rings, it’s time to turn off the water and get out of the shower.
Not only will this help cut back on humidity, but it will also help conserve
water (which is always a plus)!

Bring Some Plants Indoors

No, we don’t mean to dig up any plants you may have on your property
and bring them inside — but to purchase some house plants that can
help in the battle against humidity! Plants, such as the Boston Fern (pictured),
can assist with absorbing any moisture and help regulate your indoor air
quality. Some other
plants that can help are, but are not limited to:

  • Peace Lily

  • Orchid

  • Cactus

After introducing these very desirable plants into your home, you’ll
start to notice a subtle, comfortable difference — and how they’ll
help cut back on the humidity as a whole.

Need Help Tackling the Humidity in Your Home?

At Mitch Wright Plumbing, Heating & Air, we are here for all of your cooling, heating, and
plumbing needs, which is why we happen to offer 24/7 emergency services.
For more information on the services we provide, visit us on the web or
give us a call at (901) 795-9044.



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